Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Counseling Class with Belly Dancer

Monday morning we had our counseling class and we were supposed to have our presentations. I wasn’t nervous although I didn’t put any research into my topic “how do you become Gay or a Lesbian?” and also the politics that surround the issue. I found it funny how out of six people in my group none of them felt comfortable enough talking about Gay and Lesbian politics. Does it have anything do with the fact that it is illegal to be homosexual in Botswana. You will be punished and taken to prison if you show a homosexual act in public. Vicki taught a lesson for the first hour and a half about Trust, taking care of self before you can help others, finding underlying issues and how to deal with low self esteem. After her lecture we had our presentations and one of the girls presenting played a hypnotherapy CD for us which I found very relaxing and positive. I spoke to her afterward and asked her if she could help teach me how to hypnotize people and she agreed to give me a book and a CD that will help teach me. She also brought in a belly dancer to perform a few dances and show us how to do the movements. I have a few videos of these but it was very interesting.

I think I could find it very useful to help hypnotize people’s train of thought to erase negative thoughts and replace the things that trigger those thoughts with positive feelings and emotions.

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